Eagle Guardian Extended Service Plan
100% Online Coverage Customized For You!
Protection For All Makes & Models

Up to 5-Year Plans With Aftermarket Component Coverage!

Accepted Throughout the U.S & Canada

New: $0 / Used: $50 Deductibles

Future Contract Guarantee
Get Covered Today!

Eagle Guardian Extended Service Plan
Provides coverage for virtually all factory installed or factory approved, and dealer installed mechanical, hydraulic, electrical and electronic parts essential to the operation of your motorcycle. Aftermarket or Upgraded components designed for and properly installed on your motorcycle are covered. Designed for motorcycles that have been upgraded. Terms are from the contract purchase date. (Up to 5-Years on New / Used Motorcycles)

100% Money Back Guarantee

Plan's Mileage Limit
Unlimited Miles

Wear & Tear Coverage
Available on New

Payment Options

Claims Dept
24 / 7 / 365
New Motorcycles: Up to 5 Years / Unlimited Miles
Coverage terms are effective from the purchase date of this contract. Availability and pricing is based on the Original Factory Warranty's Status.
Used Motorcycles: Up to 5 Years / Unlimited Miles
Coverage terms are from the purchase date of this contract or aligned with a current Extended Service Plan's Expiration Date. Current Coverage is NOT Required.
Eagle Guardian Extended Service Plan
All plans include the coverage and options listed. Wear and Tear can be purchased separately on New Contracts. Every plan includes 24/7/365 Claims Service, Towing/Road Service, Trip Interruption, Low Deductibles, and the ability to Renew your contract.
Nationwide Coverage
Bring your motorcycle to the repair facility of YOUR choice. (Dealership or Independent Repair Facility). The Deductible is the same no matter where you go.
Aftermarket Component Coverage
This plan is designed to provide coverage for aftermarket / upgraded components such as Tuners, Stage I-IV Kits, ect)
Unlimited Mileage Coverage
Coverage is based on time (years); not mileage. Enjoy the ride!
24 / 7 / 365 Claims Service
Processing claims is fast and easy. Either YOU or the Repair Facility can start the process anytime via phone, website, or email. The Administrator's Claims Department is open ALL day EVERY day.
Pick-Up & Delivery
Pick-up and delivery charges up to $150.00 will be reimbursed when the failure of a covered component disables YOUR VEHICLE.
Trip Interruption
YOU will receive reimbursement up to $75.00 per day for a maximum of three (3) days for expenses for meals and/or lodging in the event an AUTHORIZED BREAKDOWN occurs more than 100 miles from YOUR home.
Renew Coverage
If your motorcycle is less than 12-Years old and has less than 75,000 Miles--we can renew coverage for up to an additional 5-Years. IF your motorcycle has too many miles; we can look at using the ASC Warranty ESP (Unlimited Miles)
Transfer Coverage
This plan is transferable once during the term by the original contract holder during a private party sale. If you are trading your motorcycle, we can rewrite the coverage to your new bike!
Cancel Coverage / Refunds
100% Refund if cancelled within fifteen (15) days of the application date, less any repair cost paid. Pro-rata adjustment for time or mileage, which ever is greater, less any repair cost paid and a $50 processing fee after that period.
Available Discounts
There are multiples ways to save even more money! 1.) Military Veterans 2.) First Responders 3.) Prior Clients 4.) Let us quote your Full Coverage Liability Insurance for an extra discount!
Examples of Covered Components
Drive Axle
Charging System
Fuel System
Gauge (Factory Installed)
Oil Injection
Primary Drive
Torque Converter
Chain Case
Secondary Drive
Seals & Gaskets
ABS Brake
Audio Components (Factory/Dealer Installed)
Cooling System
Deluxe Bike Components
Vehicle Transport Trailer
Wear and Tear (Additional Charge)
(New Vehicles Only) Provides coverage on Parts listed under Engine, Steering, Suspension and Transmission Components where the operating performance has diminished as a result of normal wear and aging.